Assessment Details:
Procedure: Our Consultant will assist your personnel in the completion of the Pre-Tender Qualifying Questionnaires (i.e. CHAS Applications), enabling your Company to demonstrate that you manage your Health and Safety to the required standard and meet the criteria set by the various associations.
Our service offers the following benefits:
- We have many years experience in the completion of Pre-Tender Qualifying Questionnaires
- All our Consultants will work closely with your personnel
- Ensure you achieve the level required

Applying for Tenders;
Applying for tenders involves several structured steps to ensure compliance, competitiveness, and alignment with the specific requirements of the tendering authority. Initially identify opportunities and assessing suitability;
- Eligibility Criteria:
Review the eligibility criteria to ensure your business meets all the requirements.
- Capability Assessment:
Assess your business’s capability to deliver the contract, including financial stability, relevant experience, and resource availability.
Followed by preparing the bid, this is where Milne Safety can assist in gathering and preparing all the necessary documents such as;
- Company registration details.
- Financial statements.
- Insurance certificates.
- Health and safety policies.
- Environmental policies.
- Quality management systems.

Why Choose Us:
Expert Guidance: Established in 1978, Milne Safety have a wealth of knowledge covering a breadth of industries and businesses. We pride ourselves in offering unparalleled expert support and guidance tailored to your specific needs.
Customer Focused: We understand the paramount importance of health and safety in every aspect of your business and make it our priority to offer comprehensive solutions bespoke to your organisation.
Always Compliant: Milne Safety continues to be at the forefront of the latest regulations and guidance and we are committed to sharing this knowledge in an easily and comprehensive manner. We have 50 years of combined expertise.